
World Book Day

Are you a book worm (someone who likes to read a lot)? Are you the type who always has their nose in a book (reading)? Do you read books from cover to cover (from beginning to end without stopping)? If not, then April 23rd is a good day to get inspired. This is not only the day that Saint George slew a dragon for love! But it also happens to be the day that two literary giants, Miguel de Cervantes and William Shakespeare, died on the very same day. In their honor, UNESCO declared this day to be World Book Day in 1995 to encourage reading. SO consider this is an opportunity to read up on something (to learn something new) that you’ve always wanted to but never have.

When choosing a book, it’s important not to judge a book by it’s cover (not to judge by appearances). The same can be said about people, although it’s a lot more complicated, of course. Some people are like a closed book (hard to know), while others are like an open book (easy to know). I fyou know them well enough, you can read them like a book (it’s obvious what they feel or think). You can usually read their minds (know what their thinking without being told). But it takes a very observant person to read between the lines (interpret what someone feels or thinks by their behavior).

A very observant person also knows how to read the writing on the wall (realize that something will go wrong). They also take the time to read the fine print (know all the information in a document). If you’re not one of these people, it’s time to take a leaf out of their book (follow their good example). This is a sure way to be in their good books (please them).

After all, if you don’t go by the book (follow the rules exacty). You’ll end up being in their bad books (displeasing them). And they may even read you the riot act (warn against bad behavior)!

So crack a book (open it), or hit the books (study). Learn what needs to be done! And that, my friends, is one for the books (strange-but-true outcome)!

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