
Let’s Get Together

When you think about it, we know lots of people. Of course, there’s knowing and then there’s knowing. One the one hand, there are simple acquaintances, people we don’t know very well but who we see from time to time in our daily lives, like shop assistants. On the other hand, there are the people we know more intimately, like family and friends. And in-between, we have neighbors and colleagues, the people from work. It’s no surprise that we know so many people, when there are so many ways to meet them!

When you know someone for the first time, we meet them. Do you remember the first time you met the person who would become your best friend? We met on a line to buy concert tickets.

When we plan to see someone, you also meet them. But if you’re going to meet a friend, you have a date. I had a date with my girlfriend. Have you ever been on a blind date? A blind date is when you go out with someone you have never met before. These kinds of dates can be a pleasant surprise or a disaster. A blind date can be easier to deal with if it’s part of a double date, when two couples go out together. At least, you can rely on your friend from the other couple to take some pressure off you.

On the other hand, if you’re going to meet a professional, you have an appointment. I had an appointment with the director. In casual situations, we simply meet people. I met my girlfriend at the cinema. But in formal situations, we meet with them. I met with the director.

In either case, whether casually or formally, when we plan to get together with someone, or see them, we meet up with them. We should meet up sometime. I met up with Sara the other day. But when we meet them accidentally or by surprise, we bump into them. You’ll never guess who I bumped into the other day at the supermarket! 

After all this talk, don’t you think it’s time to get together?.

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