
What's in a Name?

Sometimes, names can hide special meanings. The names below could be realistic Anglo-Saxon names. These names hide real words, which are defined by the rest of the sentence. See if you can figure out the real word.

1) Shirley is certain about what she says.
2) Phil Anders is a very promiscuous guy.
3) Sal Ashes makes indecent, lewd [a] comments.
4) Adam Aunt never changes his mind after making a decision.
5) Dan Dee likes to dress up for any occasion.
6) Grace Foley moves around with such elegance.
7) Lynn Gere is never in a rush to leave.
8) Dan Jeer takes too many risks [b].

9) Evan Jewel gets things done sooner or later. 
10) Frank Lee says exactly what he thinks.
11) Miss Leeds took me the wrong way.
12) Hugh Maine always treats animals and people with respect.
13) Nick Nack likes collecting worthless [c], kitchy objects.
14) Sir Price couldn't believe what he was hearing.
15) Victor Reese always beats [d] his opponents.

16) Donna Shane is very generous with her money. 
17) Phyllis Stein thinks the Arts are a waste [e] of time.
18) Miss Terry always keeps me guessing [f].
19) Dawn Tingly makes people feel intimidated.
20) Miss Anne Tropp dislikes being around people.

The real words these names hide are in the comments below.

[a] lascivo, [b] riesgo, [c] sin ningún valor, [d] gana, [e] pérdida, [f] adivinar

1 comment:

Adam Yerman said...

1) surely, 2) philanders, 3) salacious, 4) adamant, 5) dandy, 6) gracefully, 7) linger, 8) danger, 9) eventual, 10) frankly, 11) misleads, 12) humane, 13) knick-knack, 14) surprise, 15) victories, 16) donation, 17) philistine, 18) mystery, 19) dauntingly, 20) misanthrope