
Lost Consonants II

Once again, I present Lost Consonantsa word game, where a consonant is omitted from a sentence to give it humor. In the sentences below, see if you can figure out which letter is omitted.

1) Gentleman bankers prefer bonds [1].
2) Witches like to hag [2] out together.
3) The actor is a drummer who plays a wild beat [3] in the jungle.
4) Dr Jekyll was fond of his new-found fiend [4].
5) The bumbling thief told his annoying wife that there was a nag [5] in his plan.
6) After being ambushed [6], tied up and poked in the eye, the cyclops lamented, What a bind [7] man!
7) Mother, I wouldn't hang out in that cave even if I were blind, complained the spoiled [8] bat.
8) The stressed-out Chinese chef was advised not to bring his wok home with him.
9) Keep the children’s medicine out of arm’s way.
10) The engineers guaranteed that the rocket's engines were built to last.
11) During the taxi union strike, companies hired cab drivers.
12) The dubious [9] preacher [10] encourages his congregation to sin [11] in the choir.
13) Making love in a gondola is a classic canal desire.
14) Thanks to dental hygiene, the vampire has developed quite a big fan club.
15) Look at the majestic bald eagle take wig [12]!

If you’re having trouble figuring out which letter is missing [13], look in the comment CLUES, where the missing letter appears at the end of the sentence. The ANSWERS in the comment further below contains the sentence with the missing letter placed in the sentence.

[1]bonos,[2]bruja, [3] ritmo, [4] demonio, [5] rezongona, [6] emboscado, [7] apuro, [8] malcriado, [9] sospechoso, [10] predicador, [11] pecar, [12] peluca, [13] falta


Adam Yerman said...

1) Gentleman bankers prefer bonds. (L)
2) Witches like to hag out together. (N)
3) The actor is a drummer who plays a wild beat in the jungle. (S)
4) Dr Jekyll was fond of his newfound fiend. (R)
5) The bumbling thief told his annoying wife that there was a nag in his plan. (S)
6) After being ambushed, tied up and poked in the eye, the cyclops lamented, What a bind man! (L)
7) Mother, I wouldn't hang out in that cave even if I were blind, complained the spoiled bat. (R)
8) The stressed-out Chinese chef was advised not to bring his wok home with him. (R)
9) Keep the children’s medicine out of arm’s way. (H)
10) The engineers guaranteed that the rocket's engines were built to last. (B)
11) During the taxi union strike, companies hired cab drivers. (S)
12) The dubious preacher encourages his congregation to sin in the choir. (G)
13) Making love in a gondola is a classic canal desire. (R)
14) Thanks to dental hygiene, the vampire has developed quite a big fan club. (G)
15) Look at the majestic bald eagle take wig! (N)

Adam Yerman said...

1) Gentleman bankers prefer bLonds.
2) Witches like to haNg out together.
3) The actor is a drummer who plays a wild beaSt in the jungle.
4) Dr Jekyll was fond of his newfound fRiend.
5) The bumbling thief told his annoying wife that there was a Snag [14] in his plan.
6) After being ambushed, tied up and poked in the eye, the cyclops lamented, What a bLind man!
7) Mother, I wouldn't hang out in that cave even if I were blind, complained the spoiled bRat.
8) The stressed-out Chinese chef was advised not to bring his woRk home with him.
9) Keep the children’s medicine out of Harm’s way. [15]
10) The engineers guaranteed that the rocket's engines were built to Blast.
11) During the taxi union strike, companies hired Scab [16] drivers.
12) The dubious preacher encourages his congregation to sinG in the choir.
13) Making love in a gondola is a classic caRnal desire.
14) Thanks to dental hygiene, the vampire has developed quite a big fanG [17] club.
15) Look at the majestic bald eagle take winG [18]!

[14] pega, [15] evitar problemas, [16] costra (literal), esquirol (peyorativo), [17] colmillo, [18] despegarse