
Facial Gestures

Let’s test your knowledge of facial gestures[1]. I imagine you can make them BUT can you name them. These descriptive words are especially useful to know when reading novels. See if you can match the English word in the first column with its definition in the second column. You may have to make these faces in order to figure out the gesture! The answers are in the comments below. 
( !! = stronger)

1beamaintensely stare with the eyes slightly open
2blinkblift an eyebrow and the corner of the mouth on the same side
3frownclift the corners of the mouth up
4gapedlift the corners of the mouth up so much as to show all teeth
5glareepull the corners of the mouth down
6grimacefpull the corners of the mouth down and the bottom lip up
7leergrapidly close both eyelids
8pouthrapidly close one eyelid
9scowlisarcastically lift the corners of the mouth up
10smilejslightly open the lips while pressing the teeth together
11smirkksuddenly drop the jaw and keep the mouth open a while
12winkltightly press the lips together and pull the eyebrows down

1 comment:

Adam Yerman said...

Answers: 1.d, 2.g, 3.e, 4.k, 5.a, 6.j, 7.b, 8.f, 9.l, 10,c, 11.i, 12.h