Lost Consonants is a type of word play, where a letter is omitted at least once from a sentence to give it humor. In the sentences below, see if you can figure out which letter is omitted.
a) The police dog's motto [1] was walk softly and carry a big tick [2].
b) Lumberjacks need a lot of space; they think tree's a crowd [3].
c) The storytellers would gather at the tavern and enjoy all ales.
d) The dirty athletes didn't know how to lose gracefully; they were soiled [4] sorts [5].
e) Aliens get really turned on [6] by fast pace [7] hips [8].
f) At the aquarium, she flipped Ed over [9] eels [10].
g) Not only is my car broken down, I gotta itch [11] Ike!
h) Nick-nacks are worthless, itchy [12] things.
i) The science lab expelled the prankster [13] for cloning around.
j) If the Artful Dodger [14] had lived in Nebraska, would he have become a child of the con [15]?
If you’re having trouble figuring out which letter is missing [16], look in the comment CLUES, where the missing letter appears at the end of the sentence. The ANSWERS in the comment further below contains the sentence with the missing letter placed in the sentence.
[1] lema, [2] garrapata, [3] muchedumbre, [4] sucios, [5] tipos, [6] se excitan, [7] ritmo, [8] caderas, [9] volcó, [10] anguila, [11] picor, [12] que pica, [13] bromista, [14] character from Charles Dickens’ book Oliver Twist, leader of the children thieves, [15] timo, [16] desaparecida
a) The police dog's motto was walk softly and carry a big tick. (S)
b) Lumberjacks need a lot of space; they think tree's a crowd. (H)
c) The storytellers would gather at the tavern and enjoy all ales. (T)
d) The dirty athletes didn't know how to lose gracefully; they were soiled sorts. (P)
e) Aliens get really turned on by fast pace hips. (S)
f) At the aquarium, she flipped Ed over eels. (H)
g) Not only is my car broken down, I gotta itch Ike! (H)
h) Nick-nacks are worthless, itchy things. (K)
i) The science lab expelled the prankster for cloning around. (W)
j) If the Artful Dodger had lived in Nebraska, would he have become a child of the con? (R)
a) The police dog's motto was walk softly and carry a big Stick [17].
b) Lumberjacks need a lot of space; they think tHree's a crowd.
c) The storytellers would gather at the tavern and enjoy Tall Tales [18].
d) The dirty athletes didn't know how to lose gracefully; they were sPoiled sPorts [19].
e) Aliens get really turned on by fast Space Ships
f) At the aquarium, she flipped HeAd over Heels [20].
g) Not only is my car broken down, I gotta Hitch-Hike [21]!
h) Knick-Knacks [22] are worthless, KitSchy [23] things.
i) The science lab expelled the prankster for cloWning around [24].
j) If the Artful Dodger had lived in Nebraska, would he have become a child of the coRn [25]?
[17] ramita, [18] relato fantástico, [19] aguafiestas, [20] locamente enamorada, [21] hacer autostop, [22] chismes, [23] de hortera, [24] hacer el payaso, [25] name borrowed from Stephen King’s book Children of the Corn that takes place in Nebraska, a state well-known for growing corn
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