
It's the Same Language, Isn't it? (part 1)

As you already know, although we British and Americans may speak the same language, there are many differences. Not only do we have different words to say the same things, but we also spell words differently.

For example, the British have the habit of ending some words in -re while the Americans write the opposite -er:

centre / theatre >>> center / theater

The British end some words with “-our” while the Yankees take the “u” away:

colour /neighbour >>> color / neighbor

The Americans also cut letters off the end of British words:

Programme >>> program
Dialogue >>> dialog

If that wasn’t bad enough, the Brits spell with an s where the Yanks use a z, an s instead of c or vice-versa. Take a look:

analyse >>> analyze
practise >>> practice
defence >>> defense

But all this is nothing compared to the way we say things. To be continued...

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