
Of Capital Importance

In English, it appears that we tend to capitalize[1] the first letter of certain words more often than in Spanish. So let’s review these situations. Many of them are similar to Spanish.

1. The first letter of the first word in a sentence (like this one, for example).

2. The word I. Remember you’re NOT an insignificant person!

3. Proper names of people.

John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt

4. Place names (including countries), nationalities, languages.

the Alps, Switzerland, Swiss, German

5. People’s titles[2] (and their abbreviations).

King, Queen, President, Prime Minister
Doctor (Dr.), Nurse,
Mister (Mr.), Missus (Mrs.)

6. Months, days of the week and holidays.

February, Tuesday, St. Valentine’s Day

7. Titles of books, movies or subjects[3] .

The Heart of Darkness, Apocalypse Now, Literature

Although you may already know this, you don’t put it into practice. So don’t be lazy! Make it a habit! These words demand respect! And capital letters!

[1] poner en mayuscula
[2] tratamientos
[3] asignaturas, materias

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