

A Limerick is a traditional Irish poem. It has five rhythmic lines. The first, second and fifth lines rhyme, as well as the third and fourth. For example:

There once was a man from Peru,
Who dreamed of eating his shoe,
he awoke with a fright,
in the middle of the night,
and found that his dream had come true!

Now try writing one yourself, using these models below.
Model A:
There once was a ______________ from __________________.
All the while s/he hoped _______________________________.
So s/he _______________________________.
And _________________________________.
That ___________________ from ___________________.

Model B:
I once met a _________________ from ___________________.
Every day s/he _______________________________________.
But whenever s/he ______________________.
The _________________________________.
That strange ___________________ from ___________________.

You can write your limericks in the comments below.


kety said...

Wow!!!! It's very heavy. I am trying to write something but I can't !!! I'm exhausting !!!

kety said...

At last!! I've got one. It is a little odd.

"I once met a woman from Ireland.
Every day she cooks for her husband.
But whenever she gave him the meal
The husband was asleep in inn.
That strange act only happens to men from Ireland."