
You Could've Fooled Me!

Why just celebrate April Fools’ Day (our version of Day of the Innocents) once a year, when the other 364 days of the year are full of fools as well? As a con man[1] once declared, There’s a sucker[2] born every minute! That’s no lie.

You may claim to be nobody’s fool (to be intelligent), but let’s face it[3], on more than one occasion, you’ve made a fool of yourself (done something that makes you look silly[4]) or you have purposely[5] played the fool (acted in a silly way to make others laugh). You also know that you’ve been guilty of playing somebody for a fool (treating someone badly in order to get what you want from them) or just plain fooling with them (misleading[6] or bothering[7] someone for pleasure).

There are several sources for these situations. After all, fool’s rush in where angels fear to tread[8]; doing something stupid without thinking first (moral: look before you leap[9]). They willingly go on a fool’s errand; trying something that has absolutely no chance of succeeding. Even others live in a fool’s paradise; they just refuse to accept how bad a situation really is!

[1] estafador, [2] bobo, [3] seamos realistas, [4] tonto, [5] a propósito,
[6] engañar, [7] molestar, [8] pisar, [9] pensárselo dos veces

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