

What are heteronyms? They’re words which have different meanings depending on the way you pronounce them. Below, there are a few interesting samples. Listen to the recording, and then try to pronounce them according to their definition (the Spanish phonetics are in parenthesis).

1. bass          a. (bas) a type of fish 
                    b. (beis) a type of musical instrument 

2. bow          a. (bo) a curved weapon to shoot arrows; a type of knot 
                    b. (bou) the front section of a boat; to bend at the waist 

3. close         a. (klos) near 
                    b. (kloss) to shut 

4. dove         a. (dabf) a white pigeon 
                    b. (dobf) the irregular past form of “dive” 

5. lead          a. (led) a type of metal 
                    b. (lid) to guide 

6. tear          a. (tir) a drop secreted by the eye 
                    b. (ter) to rip 

7. wind         a. (uind) a current of air 
                    b. (uaind) to twist something 

8. wound      a. (uund) an injury; to cause injury 
                    b. (uound) the irregular past form of “wind” 

Funny, isn’t? Funny weird or funny ha-ha?

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