
October 31st: Halloween

The night of October 31st, Halloween, American children dress up[1]as ghosts, skeletons and witches, and go trick-or-treating (going from door to door asking for candy[2] to fill their sacks[3]. Adults also get into the act by wearing costumes[4] and going out to parties. Some people create haunted houses[5] in their own homes. And couples cuddle[6] on the couch[7] in the dark as they watch a horror movie. You’ll also find hollow pumpkins[8] with scary faces carved[9] onto them and a candle lit inside, called Jack-O-Lanterns. The name Halloween comes from All Hallows’ Eve, the evening before All Hallows’ Day, better known as All Saints’ Day[10]. Originally, Halloween was a pagan festival celebrated by Celtic cultures. Early Irish and Scottish immigrants brought their various Halloween customs with them, eventually evolving into the very popular, festive and emblematic American celebration that we now know today.

[1] disfrazarse, [2] caramelos, [3] bolsas, [4] disfraces, [5] casa encantada, [6] abrazarse, [7] sofá, [8] calabaza, [9] tallado, [10] Día de Todos los Santos

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