
What You Used To Do

As we approach the end the year, we tend to look back and review what we did. So it might be useful to talk about the usage of used to.

We use used to in order to talk about past habits that we don’t have anymore. For example if I say: “I used to work alone.” That means that in the past, I worked by myself but now I don’t. Take a look at the examples below:

I used to walk to school.
Did you use to walk to school?
I didn’t use to walk to school.

Here are a couple of things to keep in mind:
1. use an infinitive verb form after used to.
2. in a question or negation, we use an infinitive verb form after the auxiliary verb did.

It’s common to follow a used to statement with a contradictory one in the present.

I used to walk to school but now I drive there.
I didn’t use to walk to school but now I do.

There are some alternatives to the negative contradictory phrase.

I used to smoke but I don’t anymore.
I used to smoke but I don’t any longer.
I used to smoke but I no longer do.

So what things did you use to do when you were younger but don’t do now?
Or what things didn’t you use to do when you were younger but do now?

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