
Enough is Enough

Unlike too, which we use to say something is more than we want or need, enough tells us that we have just what we want or need, no more, no less. Enough is very versatile….

We can use enough as an adjective before nouns:
I have enough soup, thank you.
She gave him enough dollars to last him a while.
Notice, we can use enough with uncountable or plural nouns but not singular nouns.

And we can use enough an adverb after adjective:
The soup is hot enough.
Your best is not good enough.
Or after adverbs:
You drive fast enough.
Sure enough [1], the cat came back.
Oddly enough [2], she didn’t ask for an explanation.

Also, we can use enough as an adverb to modify an action verb.
I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done for us.
She talks enough for the both of them.

We can even use enough as a pronoun:
You’re enough for me. You’re all I need and want.
I have enough.  I don’t want or need anymore,.
I’ve had enough!  I can’t stand [3] it anymore!
Enough is enough!  Stop it already!

[1] en efecto, [2] lo curioso, [3] no soporto

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