
A Love Story

First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in the baby carriage! This traditional nursery rhyme is a little outdated, isn’t it? Do these events even go in this order? Do people even get married and have children anymore?

Well, in this fairytale[1], they do!! First, you meet someone. It’s love at first sight[2]. You fall head over heals in love[3] and you are swept off your feet[3].

As a result you have a crush[4] on him/her. After a lot of flirting[5], you finally manage to have a fling[6]. Then things get serious! You have a long relationship. After living together for a while, you decide to tie the knot[7]. So you get engaged. Fortunately, your in-laws[8] approve, so you don’t have to elope[9] to Las Vegas and get married by an Elvis Presley impersonator.

On the day of the wedding, the bride and groom look beautiful. You both vow “not to separate ‘till death do you part”, answer “I do” and you become husband and wife. After the banquet, you go on honeymoon[10]. And before you know it you get pregnant and a baby’s on the way.

Whatever you do, don’t fool around[11], or at least don’t get caught! And you should live happily ever after[12]!

[1] cuento de hadas
[2] un flechazo, amor a primera vista
[3] bebe los vientos por...
[3] loco perdido de amor
[4] enamoramiento
[5] coquetear
[6] aventura amorosa
[7] casarse
[8] familia política
[9] fugarse con un amante
[10] luna de miel
[11] poner cuernos
[12] comieron perdices y vivieron felices

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