Let’s test your knowledge of body movements. I imagine you can make them BUT can you name them. These descriptive words are especially useful to know when reading novels. See if you can match the English word in the first column with its Spanish counterpart in the second column. To make things simpler I have separated these body movements into two groups. The answers are in the comments below.
Things you do with your hands…
1 | grab | a | acariciar | |
2 | pat | b | agarrar | |
3 | point | c | apretar, exprimir | |
4 | poke | d | chasquear | |
5 | punch | e | dar palmaditas | |
6 | shake hands | f | dar un puñetazo | |
7 | slap | g | darle una bofetada | |
8 | snap your fingers | h | estrecharle la mano | |
9 | squeeze | i | meter el dedo | |
10 | stroke | j | saludar con la mano | |
11 | wave | k | señalar con el dedo | |
Things you do with the rest of your body…
1 | bow | a | agacharse | |
2 | crouch | b | andar de puntillas | |
3 | kick | c | arrodillarse | |
4 | kneel | d | asentir con la cabeza | |
5 | nod | e | dar un puntapié | |
6 | shake your head | f | encogerse de hombros | |
7 | shrug | g | estremecerse | |
8 | shudder | h | hacer una reverencia | |
9 | stomp | i | negar con la cabeza | |
10 | tiptoe | j | pisotear |
Now that you know what these body movements are, it’s time to put them into action!
1 comment:
Hand Answers: 1.b, 2.e, 3.k, 4.i, 5.f, 6.h, 7.g, 8.d, 9.c, 10.a, 11.j.
Body Answers: 1.h, 2.a, 3.e, 4.c, 5.d, 6.i, 7.f, 8.g, 9.j, 10.b
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