
There There

There I go again! Once more, I’m going to talk a word to death! There there[1], calm down. The word there isn’t complicated at all. Just don’t confuse there with similar-sounding they’re and their!

We usually use there to show the position of something in the distance.

The scream came from over there!
Look up there in the sky!
Something is crawling down there!
There goes the last train! We’ll have to leave tomorrow.

We often use the pair there and be to show the existence of something.

There are always wars. There always have been and there always will be.
Who’s there? Is anybody there?
There you are! I’ve been looking for you everywhere!

Although not very common, we combine there with other prepositions.

They live in New York City or thereabouts[2].
It takes about seven hours or thereabouts to fly to New York.
I think, therefore[3] I am.
And soon thereafter[4], there was a knock at the door.

If something happens at an exact moment, we can use there and then[5].

When I reached the top of the stairs out of breath, I decided there and then, that I would stop smoking.

When we give something to someone, it’s common to say, There you are.[6] And when we finish something, it’s common to say There we are[7]!

[1] calmate. [2] por ahí cerca, aldredor, [3] por lo tanto, [4] a partir de entonces, [5] en ese mismo momento, [6] aquí tienes, [7] ya esta

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