
Reported Commands

Just like reported speech, we introduce the reported sentence with a type of command verb. For example: beg, invite, order, remind, tell, threaten, warn, etc.

1) In direct speech, a command is usually given in the imperative tense, which is the infinitive verb form without to. In the reported form, you just need to add to before the infinitive.

2) If the command is negative, put not before the to infinitive. The auxiliary verb do disappears.

3) We can ignore all auxiliary or modal verbs or other verbs that aren’t necessary, and only use the to infinitive of the main verb.

"Clean your room.”
Reported form: “He told me to clean my room.”

Don’t wear those pants.”
Reported form: “He told me not to wear those pants.”

"If you don’t stop, I’ll call the police.”
Reported form: “He threatened to call the police.

“You shouldn’t stand too close to the edge, or you’ll fall.”
Reported form: “He warned us not to stand too close to the edge.”

“Come over for dinner.”
Reported form: “He invited us to come for dinner.”

“Don’t forget to call your parents.”
Reported form: “He reminded me to call my parents.”

“Please don’t call my parents.”
Reported form: “He begged me not to call his parents.”

Now I think you are ready to gossip!

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