
Soap Operas

According to WordReference.com, a soap opera[1] is a serialized program usually dealing with sentimentalized family matters that is broadcast on radio or television. On the radio, these programs were sponsored by manufacturers of soap, hence the name. One important characteristic of a soap opera is that it ends in a cliffhanger[2], an unresolved ending, which makes the audience curious about what will happen next and tune in[3] to the story again the next time.

In soap operas, problems often arise because the characters gossip[4], or spread rumors. Of course, this often happens in everyday life, and I'm sure we’ve all been guilty of doing this at some point or another. And if you’re going to gossip in English, you’d better do it right! An essential tool is reported speech, which we use to tell somebody what someone else said.

To be continued... reported speech.

[1] culebrón, [2] situación de suspense, [3] sintonizar, [4] cotillear

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