
Far Out*

Far is a long distance from here. Far away is also a long distance from here, just with a little more emphasis! Far away is definitely far off in the distance too. Farther is an even longer distance from here. And the farthest is obviously the longest distance from here.

Uh-oh! It looks like you have that faraway look in your eyes (like you’re not there)! Are you with me so far? (Up to now?)  Yes! Okay then, so far, so good! (Up to now, everything is fine!)

Well, I believe you have a lot of potential to go far (achieve[1] a lot in the future)! In order to do so, it’s important to be far-sighted, (make intelligent decisions for the future), so that you can see far. That is by far, or far and away (much more than anything else), your best option to have a far-reaching effect (a huge influence)!

How far are you willing to go? (Up to what point?) As far as I know (what I understand), you can go as far as you want (wherever you want), or at least as far as possible (up to the limit).
Be careful! Don’t go too far (go out of control)!  Or else the things you do or say might seem far-fetched (highly exaggerated), or even far-flung (absolutely unbelievable). People will think that what you are saying is far from the truth (a lie), and they will be far from satisfied (not happy at all).

But I’m confident that you’ll get far because as far back as I remember (a long time ago), you were always far ahead of (beyond[2]) everybody else!

[*] inusual, [1] lograr, [2] mas allá

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