
The Imperative Tense

The imperative tense is used to give orders or instructions or to get someone's attention. To form verbs in the imperative tense is easy. All you have to do is use the infinitive verb form. There is NO subject in the imperative tense either.

There are several situations, where the imperative tense comes in handy[1], for...
giving orders
Leave me alone! Get out of here! 
Listen to this new song.
Make up your mind. Let's stay home tonight.

giving instructions
Go straight down this street and turn left at the second stop sign.
First, chop the onions and then fry them on medium heat.

getting someone's attention
Excuse me.
Watch out!
Help me!

For the negations, all you have to do is use the auiliary verb do + not + an infinitive verb. For example:
Don't talk to me like that!
Do not stand on the grass.
Don't look now, but she's standing behind you.

Well, that's all for today. Take care[2]!

[1] ser util, [2] que te vaya bien

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