
July 1st: Canada Day

Since July 1st is Canada Day, the day Canadians celebrate its establishment as a self-governing dominion within the British Empire, why don’t we learn about our English-speaking cousins?! After all, the second largest country in the world deserves some mention! Here’s a trivia quiz about Canada to see what you know and don’t know about Canada. You can find the answers in the comments below. 

1. When did Canada become a country? 
2. What attracted early Europeans to Canada? 
3. What does Canada mean? 
4. How many provinces does Canada have? Can you name them? 
5. What is Canada’s  capital? 
6. What Canadian symbol appears on its flag? 
7. Are Canadians bilingual? 
8. What is Canada’s national sport?

1 comment:

Adam Yerman said...

Answers: 1. 1867, 2. fish and furs, 3. There are a few theories about the origin of Canada's name, one is that Portugese explorers wrote “acada nada” (nothing here) on their maps, but the most widely accepted is that it comes from a Native American word “Kanata”, which means means “Our Village”, 4. Ten, they are Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, and Saskatchewan. There are also three territories: the Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Yukon, 5. Quebec, Ontario, 6. the maple leaf, 7. Yes, English and French are official languages. 8. ice hockey.