
For the Fun of It!

If you do something just for the fun of it, you only do it for enjoyment; not for money or approval or for any other reason. What better reason can there be? Even getting there is half the fun, when just preparing for something to happen is enjoyable. What's important is to enjoy yourself, to have fun! Right?!

A roller coaster is fun, a comedy film is funny. A party is fun, a child's honesty is funny. You see things can be fun or funny.  Can you see the difference? Fun is something that is very enjoyable. Funny is something that makes you laughWhen something is extremely funny, or hilarious, you can parodoxically say that it's too funny for words. 

A joke is funny. And playing a joke[1] on someone on April Fool's Day (the first day of April) may be fun, but not if the joke makes fun of somebody, or ridicule[2] them. So be careful, not everybody has the same sense of humor. A joke that can strike someone funny, might be very distasteful[3] to another.

It's funny how seeing someone fall can make us laugh. But do I mean funny ha-ha or funny peculiar? Funny can also mean strange. For example, we might ask: What's that funny smell? Or: His behavior is a little funny, don't you think? Funnily enough, or curiously, it's not so funny when we bang our funny bone, that sensitive area in our elbow which makes our fingers tingle[4] when we bang it.

Well, this explanation is almost over. You don't realize how quickly time goes by when you're enjoying yourself, do you? Or as the saying goes: Time flies when you're having funThat's all for today. It was fun while it lasted!

[1] gastar una broma, [2] burlarse de, [3] de mal gusto, [4] hormiguear

Also see You Could've Fooled Me and Foolish Sayings.

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