
It's the Same Language, Isn't It? (part 2)

As you have just seen, Here are a few examples. See if you can match the American equivalent of these British words in the columns below. You’ll find the answers in the comments below.

BRITISH                        AMERICAN
1. autumn                       a. can
2. biscuit                        b. candy
3. chips                          c. chips
4. crisps                         d. cookie
5. holiday                       e. elevator
6. lift                              f. eraser
7. lorry                           g. fall
8. pavement                    h. flashlight
9. petrol                          i. French fries
10. post                          j. gas
11. rubber                      k. garbage, trash
12. rubbish                      l. mail
13. sweets                     m. pants
14. tin                           n. sidewalk
15. torch                        o. sneakers
16. trainers                     p. subway
17. trousers                    q. truck
18. underground              r. vacation

Of course, there are many other examples. The same but different, different but the same! It’s a crazy language, but you gotta love it!

1 comment:

Adam Yerman said...

Answers: 1.g. otoño, 2.d. galleta, 3.i. patatas fritas (calientes), 4.c. patatas fritas (de bolsa), 5.r. vacaciones, 6.e. ascensor, 7.q. camión, 8.n. acera, 9.j. gasolina, 10.l. correo, 11.f. goma de borrar, 12.k. basura, 13.b. dulces, 14.a. lata, 15.h. linterna, 16.o. bambas, 17.m. pantalones, 18.p. metro